Inception of ZAWA
The local Zoroastrian community of Perth, Western Australia continues to flourish from it’s humble beginnings when the first Parsi family of Late Jijibhoy Pestonji Guzder (affectionately known as “Jiju”) settled here in 1956 from Mumbai.
The Zoroastrian Association of Western Australia (ZAWA), through it’s regular Jashans, seasonal festivals, yearly Gahambhars trivia nights and other activities aims to not only contine to provide our community with a forum to keep traditions alive, meet and engage but also to help to generate funds and donations to assist charities and those in need. The yearly function of the Irani Nouruz and Parsi Navroze have become the annual “Events Of The Year” for everyone to meet and enjoy. We are also fortunate that ZAWA today boasts several priests who conduct home Jashans and the annual Deh Mahino community Jashans, thereby keeping our cullture and heritage very much alive.
ZAWA has provided a forum for many scholars and speakers to visit and present talks and lectures on various Zoroastrian religion, customs and traditions – these Include Khojeste Mistree, Ervad (Dr.) Jehan Bagli, Dastoor Saheb Aspandiar Dadachanji, Cyrus Cooper and Dolly Dastoor, to name a few.
Living up to the Australian ethos of multi-culturalism, Zoroastrians in Perth display religious tolerance, respect for all, and recognize the essential unity of all religions.

The Zoroastrian Association of Western Australia Inc., was formed by the Zoroastrians of Western Australia, in the year 1997.
The first elected ZAWA committee was headed by Ervad. Darius Pavri as Chairperson, Mr. Farhad Mehta as Vice Chairperson, Mr. Firoz Pestonji as Secretary, Mr. Mehernosh Buhariwalla as Treasurer. Ms. Purveen Meher Homji, Mr. Homee Wadia & Mr. Behram Cooper were elected as committee members.
ZAWA was formally incorporated in October 1997 by Darius Pavri, Dinyar Marfatia, Farhad Mehta and Rostam Chami, and has since come to be known as ZAWA Inc.