Community Events & News
MeAt and Greet – Riverside Gardens, Bayswater
November 10th 2024
The TT tournament was closely followed by the Meat & Greet family event. It was heartening to see so many families gather to picnic with barbecue, salad and chocolate cake.
We honoured Late Col. Ronnie Mistry, for his advocacy of community building and also because it happened to be his birthday. His son, Cawas, along with daughter-in-law, Nikita, graced the cake cutting which was done jointly by all the children present, keeping in mind Ronnie Mistry’s great love for children.

Table Tennis Tournament – UWA Sports Centre
November 9th 2024
An excellently organised event by the Sports Sub-Committee on a Saturday morning. With over 30 ZAWA Sports enthusiasts, the morning was one lled with victory roars,
screams of frustration and much laughter. Age was no bar….participation went across from the ages of 6 to 75. It was also an opportunity for two new Zoroastrian immigrants to get to know the fun-loving ZAWA members and enjoy participating even though they had never played Table Tennis.
INTEGRATION, especially between the Irani Zoroastrians and the Parsis, is one of the primary goals of the current Managing Committee. This event was one big tick against that goal and we have the Sports Sub-Committee of Narius Irani, Porus Patalwala, Adil Bodhanwalla and Deric Tadiwala to thank for that.
An Evening Boman Irani – Mas Vino Wine Bar at the Pan Pacific Hotel
October 25th 2024
Fifty members of ZAWA spent an interesting and enjoyable evening at Mas Vino Bar at the Pan Pacific interacting with Boman Irani. Between platters of charcuterie and cheese and glasses of wine and beer, Boman kept the members entertained with his wit. As always, several Parsees were navigating their family tree in the hope of finding a connection to the movie star !
All in all, it was a wonderfully classy evening well spent.

The 28th Annual General Meeting of the Zoroastrian Association of WA was held on Sunday, September 8th 2024 at the Bayswater Tennis Club at 11.30 am.
Members networked ,prior to the start of the meeting with coffee, sandwiches and cake, and lent a very interactive angle to the AGM.
We appreciate all who took the time and effort to attend the AGM and congratulate the New Committee that has now taken over.
A special thanks to the previous Committee who worked tirelessly to give the community members many memorable events.
We wound up the year with the Parsi New Year event at Stirling Leisure Centre at Hammersley. The Lagan-Nu-Bhonu, catered in-house, was a resounding success as was the Bingo, ably managed by Narius Irani and his sons, Aryan & Reyan. The belly dancers provided the excitement and entertainment along with foot tapping music by DJ Aldric.

Quiz & Chaat Night – July 13th 2024 at Canning Town Hall, Cannington
What a fun evening this was at the beautifully restored heritage Canning Town Hall.
We started off with Bollywood Restaurant’s Chaat which rapidly vanished off the serving platters – Pani Puri, Samosa Tikki Chole Chaat, Dahi Puri and Vada Pav. Their service and quality of chaat was excellent and we look forward to having them cater once more at one of our future events.
Six teams competed for the prizes, through rounds of General Knowledge, Science, Music, Sports, Zoroastrianism, Emojis and a Mixed Bag which was a rapid fire round.
But as always, the best part of the evening was the community spirit and bonhomie that resonated throughout the evening.
We look forward to many more such evenings. Thank you to all who made the event such fun and a complete success.
Paws in the Park – Sunday, April 14th 2024 at Riverside Gardens, Bayswater
On a beautiful Sunday morning, ZAWA dog lovers met up at the Riverside Gardens to pick up a few training tips from Adam & Brody (Freedom K9). The big question of the morning was…..were the Dogs being trained or were their Owners being trained ?????
The event was a great hit with a little learning, a little exercise and lots of fun and laughter.
Thank you to all of you who made this event a huge success. We will certainly be planning another one soon.

Navroze Celebrations – March 23rd 2024
The community met at Rimondo’s By The River to celebrate the spring festival of Navroze.
The night was a resounding success with a sumptuous Italian spread at each table that only Rimondo’s can serve up and foot tapping music by the Summer Club Band that had many of us on the dance floor till the very end of the evening.
Location: Santich Park, Lake Coogee, Date of Event: 3rd March 2024, Time of Event: 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
What a fabulous morning at ZAWA’s inaugural Sports Carnival; even the rain !gods smiled down upon us! It was a busy morning to say the least Game of kids soccer – Game of adult soccer – 100m sprints – Open; Ages 6-8 – Boys; Ages 9-14 – Girls; Ages 9-14 – Men – Ladies – Turbo javelin throws – Ages 6-8 – Ages 9-14 – (Ball & bucket race (Ages 0-6 –
legged race-3 – Ages 6-14 – Men & Women – (Lemon & spoon race (Open – (Block building race (Ages 0-6 – (Lemon relay – 50+50+100+100 (Open –
Tug-of-war – Ages 6-14 – Men & Women –
- We closed the event with a prize distribution & BBQ lunch
Thank you to EVERYONE who pitched in to help and attended in large numbers. - We hope to make this an annual event

Money Mindset
Three ZAWA stalwarts, Sorab Bulsara, Narius Irani & Adil Bodhanwalla, curated and presented a workshop on Financial Literacy
The empowering workshop covered topics on Bank Accounts, Loans, Insurance, Taxes, Investments & Budgeting.
There was a great deal of interaction throughout the session, with many of the youth enthusiastically questioning, sharing their views and leaving with far greater knowledge than they came in with
Location: Bunnings Subiaco, Date of Event: February 3rd 2024
Our annual fundraiser was once more a smashing success. Held at the Subiaco Bunnings centre, our youth members, donned on their new aprons with our latest memorabilia logo, and enthusiastically got everything ready well in time for opening We also had flyers ready this time for everyone who asks what “Zoroastrian” means. A picture of the flyer can be found with the photos via the link below.

Silver Jubilee Celebrations – A Milestone for ZAWA – August 20th 2022
Twenty five years since the founding members gathered to form the Zoroastrian Association of Western Australia, the members of ZAWA took pride in celebrating the cultural bonds that tie them together, along with many dignitaries and guests.
The event was a gala nite held at the Pan Pacific Hotel ballroom filled with over 200 guests. The hour long program consisted of :
A solo vocal by Farita Dadachanji opened the evening to a beautiful start
- A kids choir of 20, singing Zoroastrian songs, received a standing ovation
- A colourful, well choreographed Dance Performance by seven young ladies from the community
- A duet vocal by Farita Dadachanji & Shalayne Khambatta, accompanied on the keyboard by Kaitlyn Buhariwalla
- A stand-up comedy by Simone Springer
- Speeches by Chairperson, Hoshang Deboo and Chief Guest, Dr. Tony Buti, Minister for Finance, Aboriginal Affairs; Racing and Gaming; Citizenship & Multicultural Interests,
Silver Jubilee Sub-Committee :
- Hutokshi Surty
- Kuky Wadia
- Merzin Ghadiali
- Ruki Mehta
- Parizad Mehta
- Tanaz Ghadiali
- Zarine Kharas
- Zerophie Deboo
Master of Ceremonies : Mehernosh Buhariwalla
Singers/Music :
- Farita Dadachanji
- Shalayne Khambatta
- Kaitlyn Buhariwalla
Children’s Choir : Coached by Narius Irani & Zerophee Deboo.
- Reyan Irani
- Aryan Irani
- Freyana Mistry
- Zarina Mistry
- Navazeish Misdtry
- Delisha Mistry
- Aryan Mistry
- Nazneen Mistry
- Jayaan Kapadia
- Kaiyana Kapadia
- Erezaav Khambatta
- Darien Khambatta
- Parshaan Khambatta
- Jasmine Khambatta
- Xavien Surty
- Katrina Ghadiali
- Ava Mazdayesni
- Derik Patalwala
Music composed & arranged by Zubin Balaporia, Bandwagon Studio, Mumbai
Dancers :
- Diana Patalwala
- Kyra Deboo
- Kaiana Wadia
- Parinaz Irani
- Dilkhush Parabia
- Zeel Parabia
Choreography by Diana Patalwala
Photographer : Behram Cooper
We acknowledge & appreciate the generous Donors who helped make this event a success.